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Planning for Christmas and New Year?

Hello from the farm!

In the busy holiday season so rapidly approaching when family and visitors grace our dining rooms, you may want to stock up on some of the best local food the Shuswap has available for you.


Pre-ordered half or whole lamb can be available for succulent Christmas Roasts, New Year's Rack of Lamb and Spicy Ground Lamb meatballs - always a success! We would need your order in by December 4 to schedule butchering prior to Christmas. This is a fresh product and can be butchered to your specifications.

Our lamb is premium quality, grass and wild forage fed, and grass finished. Totally free range and leading happy and contented lives. No GMO, no grain feeding, no antibiotics to promote growth, just all natural. We love our lambs, they definitely get a hug every day which makes them extra special!

Cost for lamb is $7.00 per pound hanging weight for whole and $7.30 per pound for half plus butchering costs. We have a limited number of spring lambs available.


The more people learn about commercially grown chicken, the more they want our free range, organic, green pasture raised and super healthy birds for their families and friends.

We are often asked the difference between Organic and Non-GMO chickens, and the truth is that the ONLY way to ensure that the chickens are not eating GMO is the organic status from a recognized organic certifying agency. Anyone can say their chicken is non-GMO, but there are no standards either for the producer of the grains or the producer of the chickens. It is totally a case of educated consumers understanding the greenwashing that occurs in the world of chicken production.

We have extra-large chickens as well as the smaller sizes. A stuffed 6 to 7 lb chicken will easily feed a large group and provide excellent soup stock for the next day. You can trust that every bite of our succulent and tasty chicken meat, and every spoonful of chicken stock soup will be super nourishing and healthy.

Our Baker's Dozen special on chickens is still available, buy 12 get the 13th free. We will not have pasture raised organic chickens available again until June, 2018 once our current supplies run out.

We can bring pre-ordered items to the organic market in Salmon Arm, delivered to you directly within the Sorrento to Salmon Arm area, or picked up from the farm.

We will be at the Celista Hall Christmas market, Saturday Dec 2nd. The market is from 10 - 2. We can bring your order to Celista for pick up on Dec. 2 if that is convenient.

From our family to yours, we wish you a blessed, healthy and happy holiday season.

Una & Ernest

HighCroft Farm

Sorrento, B.C.


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